mardi 4 décembre 2007

Tuto Instal JAVA sur L760 + code admin

Pour pouvoir installer les jeux java ainsi que les programmes voici les codes et la procédure a suivre :)

First you need the “Qualcomm USB” drivers and “BitPim”.

Prepare the USB cable, but dont put it in!Driver: (changed from the original coz it didnt work for me)
BitPim: Unpack the drivers to a folder (exp. Desktop), but don’t install it!b. Install BitPim.

1. You must entering follow code into the phone: *#0523#

2. [9] common >> [6] USB Configuration >> [2] Qualcomm USB [*]--> Qualcomm USB Configured.

Plz Reconnect the Cable.

03. Now put the USB cable in the phone and Pc.
--> Windows found a new hardware.Install the hardware manual and chose the Qualcommdriver folder.
Now go to the Hardware manger ->Modems->Qualcomm, you must know the port number.

4. Open “BitPim” and configure the software for your u700.
Phone type: Other CDMA phoneCom port: *look at step 5*(you can Browse, but chose the right one!)And press “OK”

5. Start “BitPim”, go to the menu “View” and active “View Filesystem”.

6. Klick on “Filesystem” (left in BitPim).Now can you see a blue folder, open the folder (press on “+”).--> … retrieving

7. Now put the games (jar and jad files) in the follow folder “Games” (Media->Games).

8. Disconnect the USB cable from the phone.

9. Leave the Qualcomm menu and entering this code in your L760: *#6984125*# ou ( *#3695147$#) Now are you in “Admin setting” menu.

a. Select the menu [4] Internals (Master Key: *#9072641*#) ou (*#3971258*#)

b. Chose the menu [7] Storage settingsc. Update media database, Update Java DB and Create AX Dat File.That it’s!! (You can leave “Admin setting”.)

Important: DON’T delete the games with the mobile phone, you must delete the games with “BitPim”.

Source :

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

super ton tuto ca marche ai bien flasher mon l760v en 760 par contre il n'i a plus que l'anglais en langue sais tu comment on i ajoute le francais? j'utilise le t9 alors l'anglais deja que je le parle pas c pas pratique

ELM!NET0 a dit…

il suffit de regarder dans les propriété de ton dico ou alor dans la config de ton tel ac les code d'accé que je donne sur le blog ;)