lundi 22 septembre 2008

Gmail en Https pour le sécurisé

How to Hack Gmail Notifier to Use SSL

A brief explanation as to how to make the Gmail Notifier open Gmail using SSL instead of normal HTTP. The steps should be pretty self-explanatory from the pictures included. This is useful to keep the notifier working if you chose the new Always HTTPS gmail option.

Note: Google have now released a patch which adjusts the registry, causing Gmail Notifier to use HTTPS. This can be found at

Steps :

  1. Close Gmail Notifier.
  2. Copy gnotify.exe and rename to copy to gnotify.exe.BAK (safety first)

  3. Open virtualdub, and then open the hex editor from Tools menu -> Hex editor... (any hex editor will work. PSPad Editor is what I would use though.)
  4. In the hex editor, go to File -> Open, and browse to gnotify.exe (should be in C:\Program Files\Google\Gmail Notifier\).
  5. Select gnotify.exe

  6. De-select "Open as Read Only"
  7. Use Ctrl+F and type http://mail.

  8. Hit Enter, and you will see the URL that notify uses (the http:// one, not the https:// one above it, that seems to be just for logging in.)
  9. Place your cursor on the colon (:) right after the "http" (again, not after "https") and just start typing.

  10. Type out s:// which will reduce the number of periods between /mail/ and ?.u, but that's OK.
  11. Save and restart gnotify.exe

Source :

=> Merci Micmic ;)

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